Saturday, November 16, 2013

Autumn Together

This poem is the first installment of a four part series, chronicling each season of the year. Each poem is an original work written collaboratively by Antoinette Landragin and myself, Preston Dudley. In essence, and to keep the intro simple, each poem will be written based on actual experiences each of us has during that particular season -- nothing more, nothing less. Starting with Autumn, and then continuing through each consecutive season.

Please feel free to leave something below in the comments section, or if you prefer, contact us directly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Truly beautiful, you guys!! Delightful images; “glistening falls playful in the light”; “A leafy scattering…Piles of the fallen…” But this one – “Atop their craggy summits spirits find the answer” - this one hits the soul of every mountain lover. Well done! Looking forward to the next one.